In most cases the car will stay with the seller till after the auction closes, and it is then shipped to the buyer. If need be we can arrange to have the car picked up and transported to our facility in California. Typically though this is not needed, and great pictures and descriptions can be done with our help from the sellers location. If vehicle transportation is needed, we utilize the services of XXX who has been transporting cars across the country for over XX years. Ask your auction representative if you want more information about vehicle transportation.
Did you win an auction and now your waiting for your new car? Don’t worry its in great hands. XXX company has been shipping cars around the country for over XX years and is fully licensed and insured to get your car to you without a single scratch on it.
For a quick free no-obligation quote for transporting your vehicle please fill in the following form
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Spectrum Vehicle Auction Transportation
Did you win an auction and now your waiting for your new car? Don’t worry its in great hands. Spectrum Vehicle Auctions uses only the best transportation company to transport buyers their new cars. The company we use has been shipping cars around the country for decades and is fully licensed and insured to get your car to you without a single scratch on it.